hEy GuYs!
Haha sorry that's annoying, I wont type like that.
I just found this video of Christian Siriano's (hint, hint, Project Runway alum)
Spring/Summer line and it is brilliant! The dresses were inspired by costumes
worn by the American Ballet Theatre's Dream Ballet. I hope it's not too late to
post this because I really want to show it to you guys. I guess I'm just
fashionably late. BAH-dum chhh *forced laughter*
In other news...
My soccer team won 5-0 today against a team that beat us last year and I
(practically) scored the first goal off of an impeccable corner kick!
And today is the first day of
Spirit Week at school! Woohoo! To give you a little insight, monday is pajama
day (yes! I can sleep in for an extra hour!), tuesday is superhero day,
wednesday is sports day, thursday is celebrity day (I'm still trying to figure
out what to do for that...), and friday is, of course, school spirit day, Go
I also saw the Jackie Robison film
42 yesterday with my grandma and I actually loved it. If you know me, you know
I have zero interest in baseball, so this was somewhat groundbreaking. It is a
must see!!
If I hadn't liked 42, at least I
knew what good movies are coming soon to
theaters. Here are some that look worthy of uncomfortable seats and $12
1. The Great Gatsby
I really should read the book before I go se
e it to keep up this good streak I have going with Harry Potter
and Twilight, but that's probably not going to happen in a week and a half...
2. Iron Man 3
I looooove Robert Downey Jr. so that I am definitely
And there are two more that I haven't heard of. The first is Internship
and it's a movie starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaugn and they are interns at
Google, that should be interesting, the other is Kings of Summer which will
probably be a great teen flick and who isn't excited for Monsters University??!!
Every year about this time I vow that I will be Boo for Halloween, but for some
reason it never happens.
Whew, I think that's it. I'll try
to post soon, but May is gonna be real busy!!
Oh yeah, P.S. PORTLANDIA is the most hysterical show on TV. My dad has been talking
about it for a while, but I finally got a chance to see it. Four words: Pee.
In. Your. Pants.