No, it is not to lose weight, and no I am not a picky eater, far from it actually. My life as a high school student has just been SO BUSY that it's all I have time for.

Granola is known for its simplicity and versatility. You can eat it in so many different ways with so many different things, or by itself. With yogurt, with milk, or covered in ketchup! I'm kidding about the last one :)
To keep it interesting, I try to mix it up between breakfast, lunch, snack, and more snack.
Breakfast: Oatmeal with Peanut Butter, Fiber One Honey Clusters (of Oats)
Lunch: KIND Peanut Butter Granola with added almonds and seasonal pumpkin seeds and milk

More Snack: KIND Granola with Banilla Yogurt/Greek Yogurt with honey and frozen strawberries
My friend's mom makes these amazing homemade granola bars that I covet and need to get the recipe for. Or I can just pretend to make my own bars like in that Fiber One commercial. Ya know, to add homemade appeal ;)
So basically, nuts, grains, and oats are my versions of potato chips, soda and other junk foods that a person would veg out on the couch with.
What is your guilty pleasure/food obsession?
P.P. Isn't it weird that the expression "veg out" has nothing to do with veggies, but rather is referring to eating junk food, which is kind-of the opposite?
P.P.P. I just realized- both of my favorite granola brands start with a K! Isn't that a strange coincidence? Is there something about the letter K that sounds tasty or granola-y? Hmmm probably not. The Kardashians aren't very tasty.
P.P.P.P. I have my own different, blog-friendly version of P.S. P.P. stands for Post Pondering, and after the first I add an extra "Post." So three P's would be Post Post Pondering, get it?