I have a theory about my childish excitement that comes in 50 gallon buckets around this time of year. It is this: when Amanda has something to look forward to, a light at the end of the tunnel, she chugs on faster than ever before. (If this theory applies to you too, you can plug you name in for the variable "Amanda" and "she")
And guess what? There are so many things to look forward to!
Although I do get enthusiastic about holidays, I wouldn't say that I'm holiday enthusiast, it is not my sole reason for living. But when the first snow comes, it's a gateway to holiday obsession. For me, today is that day. I woke up, went about my morning routine, and casually glanced out the window. I naturally did a double take, and then, as most siblings do, I burst into my brother's room woke him up and gave him a first-hand weather report, "IT'S SNOWING!"
Here are some common symptoms of Holiday Spirit:

2. You cut any available paper into snowflakes
3. You begin writing your gift lists
4. You start listening to Christmas or Hanukah or Kwanza or Thanksgiving music (if such a thing exists...)
5. You start daydreaming of Holiday food. hot crispy latkes with cold sour cream, roast turkey with sweet potatoes and gravy and grandma's stuffing...
My diagnosis: I have a serious case of Holiday Spirit
Of course I catch the bug the day right after Veteran's Day, the last holiday until Thanksgivikah. (Although one could argue that today is indeed a holiday: Today is National Wear Your Camp Shirt to School Day and 11.12.13, consecutive number day!)
What symptoms are you experiencing regarding the holidays? And are you taking any prescription medication? i.e. holiday sugar cookies?
Comment below!
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