Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Wooly and the, What Now?

If you are a die-hard indie band junkie or just like keeping up with up and coming artists, you might have heard a new name floating around. The name is Wooly and the Mammoth (cool right?), A folk/indie band worth following. They sound very much like The Cranberries or Mumford & Sons. They just released their EP album (According to ever-faithful Wikipedia, EP stands for Extended Play, a musical recording that contains more than a single, but less than a full album) At Bay and (I'll try my hardest to speak in a musically-knowledgeable tone) the twinkling harmonies (what am I? A three year old?) and the crunchy twinges of mandolin (If my last name was Lin then my name would be Amanda Lin- A mandolin, get it? Haha, anyway...) in the background offer a nice crisp backbeat.  (Ok, am I talking about the music anymore or what I had for lunch?) Anyway, you get the point.
(I'm sorry about all the parentheses).
I also might be the teeny-weeniest bit biased as the Female Vocalist/Banjo Player/Guitar player is none other then my cousin, Ali Schilder! She also did the layout for their album cover art which embodies the spirit of the band. And the WM overlay kind of looks like a crown-which I love! 
My favorite song is "The Rain Will Come." The lyrics are so pretty and the vocals so, so... oh, see for yourself! I also like "Troubles from so Long Ago."
At Bay is only $1.00 the first week and then gets bumped up to $5.00 afterwards so start clicking, listening, and buying people! 
You should really check them out because if you don't, in the future when they make the top 40 list, I can annoyingly taunt you, "I told you so! I told you so!"

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